When you begin a Tableau import for the first time, you will need to enter a few pieces of information from your Tableau site and log in to your account. You will need the Instance URL AND the Site Name.
Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click the Menu.
Select “Connected Sources”.
Scroll down at the bottom and click “Add Connection”.
Locate Tableau in the list and click “Connect”.
Enter the Instance URL and the Site Name.
Note: You may leave the Site Name blank if it isn’t available on your Tableau homepage/worksheet URL.
Helpful Notes:
The Instance URL follows this basic pattern: http://<servername>/#/views/<workbook>/<sheet>
If you have a multi-site Tableau environment your URL will look something like this: http://<servername>/#/site/<sitename>/views/<workbook>/<sheet>
Note: Coefficient integrates with Tableau Online. We do not currently support Tableau Server (Tableau's self-hosted product).
You will then need to enter the Name and Secret credentials created from your Tableau Personal Access Token (PAT).
Personal Access Token:
Tableau Cloud is now enforcing MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) for their users, you will need to create and provide a token from your Tableau Account Settings page in order to create a connection with Coefficient+Tableau.
Select “Tableau” from the list.
Select “From Worksheet URL”.
Enter your Dashboard/Worksheet URL then hit “Next”.
A new window will open that resembles your Dashboard/Worksheet in Tableau. From here you can adjust the filters, then “Import”.
If you are importing from a Dashboard, you can select which sheet you want to import from the dropdown provided. The “Default” option automatically selects the first page.
![Screenshot 2023-02-03 at 10.55.22 PM.png](<https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/096e8746-7443-49af-9b17-119cabf0dac0/Screenshot_2023-02-03_at_10.55.22_PM.png>)
Congratulations on your first successful import from Tableau. 🎉
Open the Coefficient Sidebar and click on “Import from…”. ****
Select “Tableau” from the list.:
Select “From Recent Worksheets”.