Coefficient is a no-code solution that connects your spreadsheets to your various company systems to foster collaboration across teams for empowered data analysis. With the automatic sync scheduled your data is updated from the source (like mountain spring water), never flat but fluid and always moving. The power behind Coefficient extends beyond your core software stack with the ability to push updates back to Salesforce, as well as setting up notifications in Slack to alert your team of data updates and changes.

Why should you use Coefficient?

Coefficient has been described as the glue that melds systems together. Data sources are often siloed and require extensive manual work to integrate and update. Coefficient reduces the manual processes to integrate your data so that you can focus more on the analysis, making decisions, and celebrating milestones.

Who can use Coefficient?

Coefficient can be used by anyone who uses Google Sheets and wants to connect with supported systems.

Download Coefficient

If you don't have Coefficient yet, you can get it for free from here