With businesses and teams dispersed all around the globe, coordinating data and tracking updates is more important than ever. Inevitably the Time Zone topic will come up in conversations. The most common is the coordination of calendars and deadlines for reports. And at Coefficient, we LOVE 😍reports.

Time zones come up every day with our users, what time is this Import refreshing, when is this Snapshot set to generate, what time should that Daily Summary reach my inbox - what if the person who creates these Imports, Snapshots, and Alerts is in a different Time Zone than me? 🤯😵‍💫🥴

Scheduled Imports

What is a Scheduled Import?

With Coefficient, you can schedule your imports to ensure your data is refreshed from the source at designated times and dates.

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Scheduled Imports will refresh according to the Time Zone setting on the user’s computer. 💻

What does that mean?

Automated Snapshots

What is an Automated Snapshot?

An Automated Snapshot, is a copy of your Coefficient import taken on a specific date at a specific time. Each time a new Snapshot is created a new tab is generated in your workbook.

Automated Snapshots (set to Daily and Weekly) are generated at 1 AM in the creator’s time zone. (Hourly Snapshots are triggered hourly) ⏰

What does that mean?

If a user sets a Snapshot to generate “Weekly” and “at the start of Monday”, AND the user’s computer is set to Pacific Time, THEN Coefficient will create a new Snapshot of the user’s import first thing Monday morning (1 AM Pacific Time)

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What are Automation(s)?

Automation(s) are notifications that you can set up in Coefficient based on activity, and changes that occur in your data import. Automations can be sent out either via email or sent to a Slack channel.