Coefficient is a game changer in extracting data from various sources to expand analysis - but when the data reaches a certain point you may start to see some sluggishness in Google Sheets due to the data’s “heaviness”. 🤯

We put together a few common suggestions and best practices for you to try and keep in mind to keep your imports light, nimble, and refreshing smoothly. 😎

Ways to Optimize your Coefficient Imports

Depending on the integration that you use, some of these features may not be possible. If you need some guidance on your specific scenario please reach out to [email protected]


Putting a filter on your Coefficient import is a great way to keep the data focused on the objective and lighter in weight to reduce load lag.

Row Limits

Row limits are often helpful for ad-hoc analysis as you view the top “X” amount of results based on some criteria. This can give you insights into trends and if the query you are using in the import is pulling what you are expecting.

Cloud Pivots

Cloud pivots with Coefficient are AMAZING! With the Coefficient Cloud Pivot, you can group the data from the source so that the import contains the results and not the raw data. This differs from the Google Sheets pivot table as the native Sheets pivot requires all the raw data to be included in the import first and then the pivot is created. Coefficient Cloud pivots do not require all the raw data to be imported - only the pivot table is created with the raw data essentially “behind it”. This is a fantastic way to keep your Sheet focused and light in data.

Using Filters, Sorts, Row Limits, and Cloud Pivots on a Coefficient Import