Scheduled Exports with Coefficient allow you to push data back into Salesforce or SQL databases (i.e. MySQL) at a specific time or when specific conditions are met. This automated process removes the repetitive manual process of pushing updates saving time, adding value, and ensuring data is updating as expected. ✍🏻

Scheduled Export to Salesforce

**SCENARIO: ****You have an existing Coefficient import of Salesforce Leads that automatically refreshes at 8 a.m. PST daily, which includes all your open tasks. Throughout the day, as you work on these tasks, you need to update their status and push the updates back into Salesforce before leaving. To ensure that all tasks are updated in your Salesforce org before the import refreshes the following day, we set up the scheduled export for 8 p.m. PST.

(Object: Task and Action: Update)

ℹ️ NOTE: When scheduling an Export to Salesforce, you can either use an existing mapping (sample below) or create a new one. If you are using an existing mapping, We recommend reviewing the mapped fields prior to scheduling. This will help prevent to mitigate any errors and help the process run smoothly.

See our article: Export to Salesforce to learn more!

To update and schedule your existing export to Salesforce, follow the steps below.

  1. From the Coefficient sidebar, select an existing Export mapping(”Update: Task”)

    ℹ️ NOTE: Export mappings can be found under the “Exports” header in the sidebar, click on the “Export…” button in the Header, OR click on an import that was also used for an Export and select the “Export” option.

Screenshot 2023-09-10 at 11.03.02 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-09-10 at 11.07.16 PM.png

  1. The sidebar will show the mapping details for that Export. Scroll down and click the “Edit” link under the “Export Schedule” section.

    Screenshot 2023-09-10 at 11.10.55 PM.png

  2. Select the Export Schedule frequency desired. (Example: Daily at 8 p.m.).

    Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 12.42.11 AM.png

    ℹ️ NOTE: We highly recommend adding at least a 2-hour gap between your Scheduled Import(s) and any Scheduled Export to Salesforce. This will ensure that the data coming from Salesforce is completely up to date prior to pushing the data back to Salesforce via export. This also helps prevent incorrect data from being written to your Salesforce org.

  3. Rows to export: You have the option to export “All rows on sheet” or “Select specific rows on sheet”.

    Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 12.46.11 AM.png

ℹ️ NOTE: If you select the option for “Specific rows on sheet”, you will be prompted to highlight the rows on your sheet you want to export.

Screenshot 2023-09-10 at 11.32.51 PM.png

ℹ️ NOTE: After selecting rows to export, you will see “## rows will be exported”. If you need to edit this, click on “Change selection”.

Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 5.41.19 PM.png

⚠️ Confirm your settings BEFORE you commit to these changes. These actions cannot be undone! ******⚠️

  1. Congratulations on scheduling your Export to Salesforce! 🥂

    Screenshot 2023-09-10 at 11.45.31 PM.png

Schedule Export to SQL

SCENARIO: Keeping MySQL database updated with important customer information. Pushing updates from the week on Fridays at 6pm.

ℹ️ NOTE: When scheduling an Export to SQL, you can either use an existing mapping (sample below) or create a new one. If you are using an existing mapping, We recommend reviewing the mapped fields prior to scheduling. This will help prevent to mitigate any errors and help the process run smoothly.

See our article Export to SQL to learn more!

To update and schedule your existing export to SQL, follow the steps below.