When you begin a Looker import for the first time you will need to go through a few steps to connect Looker as a data source for Coefficient. The Looker Admin will need to generate credentials for you.
Looker Admin Instructions to create credentials
Note: Coefficient will need the following information: Client ID, Client Secret, and Connection URL.
If your Database is behind a firewall/private network you will need to whitelist our IP addresses:
When you check the box to share the Looker connection with your team, they will not have to enter the Client ID and Client Secret for their connection.
The Client Secret will not be shared or visible to the team when sharing the data connection in Coefficient.
Your team is anyone that shares the same email domain as you.
NOTE: When setting up a new Looker import, it may take a few moments to load the data depending on the size of your Looker report(s).